
10 Reasons Why You Need a Flexible Staffing Solution for Your Business

Friday, March 08, 2024

Flexible staffing solutions - like temp agencies or apps - help businesses to quickly and easily find and hire part-time staff, essential for any business that relies on professional people. 

Complementing your permanent team, access to a reliable and active pool of flexible workers can be a life-saver when managing unexpected staffing changes.

Sound familiar? In this article, we’ll explore the different staffing solutions available before diving into the top 10 reasons why you need a flexible staffing solution for your business. 

Key Takeaways:

  • A flexible staffing solution is any kind of service that helps businesses to tap into a qualified temporary talent pool. For example, staffing agencies, freelance platforms, staffing apps, and gig platforms. 
  • Specific industries, such as retail and hospitality businesses, rely on flexible or part-time workers to help them manage their workforce, and meet unexpected changes in staffing levels. 
  • Flexible staffing solutions help businesses to meet their changing staffing needs, reduce the administrative burden, and ultimately, drive revenue and growth.
  • With Ogram, you can quickly and easily scale up or down, while also enjoying the cost savings, efficiency, and flexibility that comes with a digital staffing solution. 

What is a flexible staffing solution?

There are several flexible staffing solutions available for businesses looking to hire part-time staff on-demand. Some of the most common solutions include:

  1. Staffing Agencies: Specialize in finding temporary or part-time staff for business clients. Staffing agencies typically have a vetted pool of candidates that they match with businesses based on their specific needs.
  2. Freelance Platforms: Connect businesses with freelancers who can work on a project or assignment basis. Freelancers can provide specialized skills or expertise that may not be available in-house.
  3. On-Demand Staffing Apps: Connect businesses with part-time staff who are available to work on-demand. The staff can work on an hourly or shift basis, and the app handles the hiring, scheduling, and payment processes.

For example, Ogram is revolutionizing the way people work by making it easier than ever to find and hire part-time workers on-demand. Learn more.

  1. Gig Platforms: Platforms that offer short-term, task-based work opportunities for workers who are looking for flexible work arrangements. Businesses can hire gig workers to perform tasks such as delivery, cleaning, or customer service.

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Of course, each solution has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to research and compare your options before making a decision. Businesses should choose the flexible staffing solution that best fits their needs and budget.

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Why do I need a flexible staffing solution for my business?

Well, we can think of 10 pretty good reasons why your business is likely to need a flexible staffing solution. Let’s take a closer look at each one: 

  1. Cost savings over time 

One of the biggest advantages of using a flexible staffing solution is cost savings. By hiring part-time staff on-demand, businesses can save money on recruiting, training, and onboarding costs. 

Additionally, because part-time staff are only paid for the hours they work, businesses can avoid paying for hours that aren't needed, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

  1. Scale up or down to meet changing demands

Many businesses including retail and hospitality often experience seasonal fluctuations in demand for staff. A flexible staffing platform allows businesses to quickly and easily scale their workforce up or down to meet changing demands. 

This can help businesses to avoid over-staffing during slow periods and under-staffing during busy periods.

  1. A more streamlined and efficient process

A key benefit of using a flexible staffing platform is the technology behind it. A more streamlined hiring process results in faster hiring times and a more efficient workforce management system. 

Because part-time staff are already pre-screened and qualified, businesses can avoid spending time and resources on the hiring process.

  1. Higher team and employee productivity

By hiring part-time staff on-demand, businesses can ensure that they have the right number of staff at any given time. This can help to reduce wait times, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately, drive revenue. 

As a bonus, part-time staff are often highly motivated to perform well in order to secure future work opportunities.

  1. Greater flexibility to cover shifts 

Retail and hospitality businesses, for example, often require staff to work outside of regular business hours, such as evenings, weekends, and holidays. 

A flexible staffing platform can help to ensure that these shifts are covered, without requiring full-time staff to work irregular hours.

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  1. Save time on regulatory compliance

A reputable flexible staffing platform will also handle compliance and regulatory requirements, such as background checks, tax forms, and employment contracts. 

By outsourcing compliance tasks to a third party, businesses can only avoid spending time and resources on these tasks. And help to reduce the risk of legal issues for businesses. 

  1. Access to a larger talent pool

Flexible staffing platforms can help businesses to tap into a wider pool of candidates. This includes candidates who may not be actively seeking employment but are open to part-time or gig work. 

And because part-time staff are not tied to a specific company, they may bring a wider range of skills and experiences to the job.

  1. Lower administrative burden

A flexible staffing platform can handle much of the administrative burden, freeing up time for businesses to focus on other aspects of their operations. 

If you’re a hiring manager yourself, you’ll have intimate knowledge of how time-consuming it can be, requiring a ton of paperwork per worker. 

This is usually reduced further for part-time staff who are not employees of the business, and help to avoid many of the administrative tasks associated with traditional employment.

  1. Enhanced workforce diversity

Some companies can benefit from a flexible staffing platform to build a more diverse workforce. This includes candidates from different backgrounds and experiences. 

By creating a more diverse workforce, businesses can benefit from a wider range of perspectives and ideas, helping to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. Improve employee retention

Last but not least, by giving employees more flexibility and control over their work schedules, businesses can create a more attractive work environment. Resulting in a more loyal and engaged workforce, which can ultimately benefit the business.

Ogram: the leading on-demand flexible staffing app

Finding quality part-time staff is a challenge for any business, especially when there are so many boxes to tick. 

From cost savings to improved employee retention and satisfaction, a flexible staffing solution can help businesses to finetune their workforce management, reduce the administrative burden, and ultimately, drive higher revenues and growth.

Ogram is the leading on-demand staffing app that connects businesses with quality part-time staff, on-demand. 

Try Ogram today and see the difference for yourself.