Flexible staffing at your fingertips.
Ogram can help you staff up quickly to meet your business goals.
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Companies that count on Ogram workers
  • hilton
  • marriott
  • pull
  • zara
Other Industries we serveWe have expertise in multiple industries providing a holistic staffing solution to small, medium and large businesses
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    Sales Associate
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We're changing the face of manpower supplyCompliant and reliable, quality staff, only when you need them
500+Clients served
500K+Shifts performed
4.8/5Average Rating
98%Attendance rate
Trusted by the world's largest business
Thank you Ogram for the amazing support
Sharai Machando
I really appreciate your help here, looking forward to work with you again in the future
Marion Bordet
Always got what we wanted, even last minute requests
Wael Soueid
Paramount Hotels Dubai
Benefitsof choosing usStaff up and down instantly to better manage your business cycles.
Reduce costs by up to 10%.
Pay by the day
No long term commitments
48 hours to start
Scale up and down on-demand
Instant staff replacements
How easy is it to get started?As easy as pie. Setup your account and start creating your orders instantly.
Post shifts in minutes.
Create your shifts using our scheduling tools and scale your workforce.
Match with the best candidates
Let our technology do its thing. Cherry pick the staff you like and watch your job fill in real time.
Approve your workforce
View bios, reviews, and rosters before workers arrive on the job, and access your roster and timesheets on the go—all via our intuitive employer app
Sit back & RelaxWe handle all the admin, and ensure that your job is running smoothly!
The staff you need, when you need them.Hiring and managing your workforce can be costly and time-consuming. We can help you save and claim back your time.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register on the Ogram application?
The registration process is simple. Start by telling us about your company, and once verified, you can make staff orders right away. Find, hire, manage attendance, and make payments, all in one digital platform.
How do you source and assess staff?
We source OGs through a mix of ads, brand awareness, and direct outreach. The identity of every OG is verified, skills and references checked by our team. When selecting an OG, you can also check their ratings score. In some cases, such as for big events, we may hold an assessment day.
How fast is on-demand? Can you find me workers for tomorrow?
Once you submit your job order, our smart technology will match your requirements with our active database of 12,000+ OGs, and send out a notification of the open job. Depending on the desirability of the job, you can find workers as fast as tomorrow. For harder to fill roles, our team is on hand for additional support to complete your order.
What does it cost to employ staff through Ogram?
There are two pricing models to choose from: fixed hourly rate or a margin on labor cost. Typically, clients use fixed rates for short-term assignments and opt for fixed margins for longer-term and recurring orders. The cost of our services is highly competitive, saving you time and money across the hiring pipeline. Eliminate the need for job ads and simplify the way you manage flexible staff attendance and payments with Ogram.
What are the contract limits, can staff work long-term?
You can set any job duration you like. We serve clients looking for flexible, short-term contracts, in addition to clients looking for full-time staff. Whatever your needs, we are here to assist you.